Join #EarthHour Tomorrow

How important is climate change for you? Did you know that the “little things” that are frequently skimmed over can actually make a difference? Congratulations! You can join thisSaturday, March 19th to the Earth Hour.

Here at DEXMA we’re a team of dreamers, and we fight every day for a greener, more efficient world. By helping companies reduce their energy costs, we also help them to produces less emissions, and we think that this will in turn impact our businesses activity on Earth.
Therefore, when we hear about the #EarthHour we believe it will be something that you will be interested and love!

What is the Earth Hour?

The Earth Hour is a global event to “give the Planet a break”. Celebratedevery year,communities from all over the world join this initiative to share their feelings, have a moment to think about environment, protest, or, simply, to talk about climate change.

The idea is actually really simple:stop using electricity for an hour of your life.这就是为什么主动叫“地球一小时”。It takes only an hour of your time, and you can do many things, like joining a meeting in the streets (with candles or lanterns :)).

Led byWWFthe event has become a global celebration, but it started as a simple lights-off event in Sidney in 2007. Now, more than 172 countries celebrate it.

And in 2016, we will join it on 19th March at 8:30 pm (on your local time!).

Earth Hour - Results 2015
Some of the impressive numbers from last year’s Earth Hour

What can you do? Join Your Closest Earth Hour Celebration!

Depending on where you live, you can join different initiatives, meetings, or actions. Let’s list some of the top ones:

  • UK WWF dedicates the day to food. You will find many events in the UK related to the food that we eat, and how it affects to Climate Change.
  • Australia, where the #EarthHour was born, is celebrating the day with a special mention to endangered natural places. If you’re around, check the hashtag #PlacesWeLove and share we proud those places that we should take care about to keep them natural, beautiful, and protected!
  • India is trying to convert into solar power, and WWF India decided to talk about the power of the sun during Earth Hour.

But you can checkthis map of events实时更新,看看附近to celebrating the Earth Hour this year!

You can also make a donation to WWF (here) and, of course, share this post and the initiative in Social Media! Official hashstags are: #EarthHour and #ChangeClimateChange. Followherethe official organization’s account on Twitter to stay tuned!

The Earth Hour for Businesses: ideas for Hotels

What is amazing about the Earth Hour is that is started as a public initiative, followed by many town halls or institutions from all around the globe, but it’s now arriving to private businesses too.

There is a great paper in the Earth Hour official page to inform those of you working at hotels, rural houses or leisure facilities celebrating this incredible initiative.

Maybe you think it’s really difficult to organize a Earth Hour in your building, but… not at all!
Earth Hour - Ideas for Businesses

For example, you can join the initiativeby organizing a free event.Gather your guests around candles in a meeting room or the restaurant, invite them to some drinks and have a interesting local speaker talking about how your city is working against climate change. Cool right? This is a great experience that can make the difference in your guest’s stay!

We recommend you to read the paper mentionedhereto get more ideas!

Are you going to celebrate Earth Hour? Share your ideas and actions in the comments below!

Images via:WWF Earth Hour