Web Development Trends: Powering a Sustainable Digital Future

Web Development Trends: Powering a Sustainable Digital Future

Every action we take online, from browsing a webpage to streaming a video, consumes energy. Yet, how often do we consider the real-world implications of our digital interactions? In this article, we’ll explain the connection between EMS and web development trends, explore how energy-conscious web design takes root, the critical role of performance optimisation for […]

What are NZEBs and how do they contribute to Sustainable Development

What are NZEBs and how do they contribute to Sustainable Development

Did you know that the building sector is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU? According to statistics, 40% of energy consumption in Europe comes from buildings. This has led the European Commission to create Directives on Energy Efficiency which oblige the improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings, thus, […]

How to Reduce Energy Costs in Shops through Technology

Technology to Save Energy Costs in Retail - Featured Image

The retail sector has many energy challenges, including balancing sustainability with comfort for customers and employees. Lighting, temperature and spaces are all designed to the nearest millimetre to provide a good shopping experience, but what about energy? In brightly lit shops or those with large spaces, controlling temperature, ventilation and lighting can be complex from […]

5 Ideas to Celebrate Earth Day for Energy Professionals

Earth Day 2022 - DEXMA

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22nd, and this year will be no exception. But, have you ever done anything special as an energy professional to celebrate it? You should! Especially if you work in a business that involves energy efficiency. Why? Because you’re helping to ensure a better, greener and more conscious planet. […]

Energy Communities: Energy Saving through Local Production and Consumption

Energy Communities and Savings

The energy transition, supported by growing public awareness of climate change has led to the emergence of energy communities around the world. What are these Communities and what are their Contributions and Benefits? Based on individual self-consumption, these communities have been formed to generate and benefit from the electricity generated locally by collaborating with companies, […]

Continuous Improvement: The Key to Successful Energy Management in Real Estate

continuous energy improvement in energy management in real estate

If you are responsible for managing a large portfolio of buildings – or a single building with different needs across floors and users – Energy Efficiency is definitely a term you’ve heard before. But do you already have an energy efficiency strategy implemented for your buildings? Are your buildings efficient right now? Discover the secrets […]

The End-Customer Vision on Energy Efficiency

Companies play a huge role in the energy transition, as they consume and manage energy on a daily basis. Whether they are small companies or large multinationals, they all have energy, lighting, air conditioning and power needs. This article focuses on these companies, the end customers of energy services companies and providers. What are their […]

Pinelopi Spyropoulou from JustaEnergia talks about the Eco-Bot Project [INTERVIEW]

Pinelopi Spyropoulou from JustaEnergia talks about the Eco-Bot Project [INTERVIEW]

We are in an era where it is crucial to constantly innovate and find new ways of raising sustainability awareness amongst customers. “Not always an easy task” you would probably say! For Utilities, OEMs or ESCOs, one of the means to actively engage customers is using trending technologies, solutions and apps. This is why, in […]

Top 5 Services that the Utilities of the future must offer their Customers

Top 5 Services that the Utilities of the future must offer their customers

数字化开辟了一个无与伦比的opportunity in the world of energy trading to improve the energy products offered conventionally, and to create new solutions and business models strongly linked to digital technology. We are at a time in the sector when it is no longer enough to rely on yesterday’s typical products and services (flat […]