DEXMA Joins the petition from European Alliance to Save Energy to Continue Development of Europe’s Energy Efficiency Goals

Thanks to the European Alliance to Save Energy, DEXMA, and other European energy efficiency companies, a letter of petition has been formed for the EU that will be launched later this week.

The aim of the communication is explaining to Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and the Minister for Infrastructure and the Environment of The Netherlands, the importance of continuing efforts to achieve the goals and plans agreed in theCOP21.

It’s especially important to understand that, according to Eurostat, fossil fuels still mean the 72% of European Union Energy’s mix, even though there have been HUGE efforts made by some

leading countries in the EU to push renewable energies.European Alliance to Save Energy

The ‘national’ production of fuels is decreasing, but Europe is still really dependent on fossil fuels, importing more quantities from abroad (with a 31% increase between 1990 and 2013). These numbers don’t do any good to European energy dependance…

The European Energy Saving Alliance proposes to:

  1. Reduce the energy imports
  2. At the same time, increase the bet for renewable energies
  3. And, of course, set up more programs supporting energy efficiency

Energy Efficiency + Renewable Energies + less dependancy on energies from abroad results in a better future and potential achievement of the proposed framework for 2030.

Of course, we all know that this will help businesses to save money. But at DEXMA we strongly believe that this will make a huge impact to society in general too.

You can access the full petition sent to the EUhere.

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