Webinar Spacewell Energy | Recording

The Partnership Pathway to Innovation

Future-proofingis the process of anticipating disruption by developing methods of minimising the effects of shocks and stresses of future events.

In the face ofdigital disruptionand achanging climate, utilities need to future-proof their business model byintegrating new technologiesandinnovationor risk stagnating into mere providers of energy infrastructure.

Learn how to take a more proactive approach to energy services in this special webcast featuring leading Nordic utility Eniig (Niras since 2020):

  • A recap ofthe top emerging trendsin the energy industry in 2017 and what to expect in the future.

  • Changing customer expectationsand how you can meet them.
  • Tech applications扩大您的实用程序服务以及如何integrate them successfully.

Don't miss this free learning opportunity. Leave your details on the right to access the video!