Hit the Ground Running: Finance Your Energy Project

We feel your dilemma: you're already an Alpha Energy Manager, with tons of fantastic energy efficiency ideas and the perfect software to manage your energy needs - but ZERO resources to put your amazing plans into action.

EN - WP - Financing Energy Efficiency - Spacewell Energy by Dexma

What's worse, you've got even LESS time to scour the Internet for energy efficiency grants, loans, subsidies, tax benefits or other magical funding sources...

Don't fret. They do exist, and we've done all the research legwork for you :) The results can be found in this handy (and free!) guide Spacewell Energy by Dexma put together especially for cash-strapped energy managers.

In "The Complete Playbook For Financing Energy Efficiency,"you'll find 35+ pages full of resources and opportunities to finance your energy management master plan,plus insights on how your company can overcome its specific energy financing challenges in your country or region.


  • Ideas for leveraging FinTech optionsto fund your energy project.
  • How to calculate the ROI of your energy efficiency project:go to Management armed with powerful arguments to support this investment.
  • Actionable tips and best practices在说话the language of your Finance Director to show them how energy efficiency translates to cost savings.